"Your List Your Way"
With the My Blank List series of applications you can easily sort, rank, and view various stats and information on the media you consume.
The entire program is built in Excel, allowing for easy editing, customizing, and extracting of data! *Requires Excel 2007 or greater to function properly.*
Scrapes and automatically fills out fields with data from numerous different websites!
There are 100s of preconfigured optional fields so that you can build your list your way!
Tons of visual and meaningful customization options that are intuitive and allow you to build the list you want!
You can view various interesting stats on your media habits and library!
After passing certain thresholds you can attain various achievements!
In addition, there are numerous other features such as a simple page to not clutter the main page and individual pages to further analyze various elements!
Best of all, this program is completely free to use and edit as you wish!
Version 2.5 (6/03/2018)
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